Water Fitness do not disclose buyers’ information to third parties other than when order details are processed as part of the order fulfilment, this includes passing your details onto tutors if you have purchased a course. In this case, the third party will not disclose any of the details to any other third party.
Cookies are used on this shopping site to keep track of the contents of your shopping cart, to store delivery addresses if the address book is used. They are also used after you have logged on as part of that process. ‘Cookies’ are small text files that are sorted by the browser on your computer or portable device. Each cookie is unique to its web browser and provides a memory for the website, enabling it to anonymously recognise a user and tailor its results accordingly.
Although it is likely to affect your website experience and reduce the number of functions available to you, such as placing orders, all browsers allow you to alter the cookie preferences. These settings can be found in your ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ menu of your browser. The help function on your internet browser will be able to guide you through changing your cookie settings. Internet explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari instructions can be downloaded here. Data collected by this site is used to:
a. Take and fulfil customer orders.
b. Administer and enhance the site and service.
c. Disclose information to third-parties – but only for goods delivery purposes.
d. To ensure your purchasing experience is smooth and secure.
e. To gather anonymous analytical information, such as the number of unique users.
If you require any further information then please contact us through the Contact page